Request for Information: Soliciting Input on Opportunities, Gaps, and Challenges in Global Health Research in Neurological Diseases and Stroke

The NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is seeking input on the most important knowledge gaps, health research needs, and promising opportunities to guide global health activities in neurological diseases and disorders, particularly in respect to research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) and mutually beneficial partnerships between LMICs and High-income Countries (HICs).

The aim of the survey is to identify global health research priorities, capacity building and training needs, and best practices or strategies that could facilitate equitable global health research in neurological disorders.

The NINDS invites input from all stakeholders, including researchers, health care providers, people with lived experience (e.g., patients with neurological conditions, family members, caregivers), patient advocates, health advocacy organizations, scientific or professional organizations, federal agencies, non-profit and private sector organizations, as well as other interested members of the public. Organizations may consider submitting a response on behalf of the organization or share this RFI link with its members.

For more information and to access the survey please click here.

Deadline for responses: 31 July 2024