Augustina Charway-Felli
Institution: | 37 Military Hospital, Accra |
Country: | Ghana |
Dr Augustina Charway-Felli, MD, PhD, FGCPS is a neurologist practicing in Accra, Ghana. She did her medical, neurology training and doctorate done in the I.M. Sechenov 1st Moscow State Medical University in the Russian Federation. She is a Fellow of the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr Charway-Felli is currently one of only seven trained neurologists in Ghana serving a population of >30 million. She returned to Ghana in 2007 on completion of specialist training when there was only one practicing neurologist. She runs a general neurology practice with a special interest in geriatric neurology, cognitive and behavioural science, headache, functional Neurological disorders, and Epilepsy. Whilst being predominantly a clinician, a lot of time is dedicated to advocacy and education to work towards improvement of access to specialised neurological care on the African continent.
Positions held
- President of the African Academy of Neurology (AFAN)
- Vice-president: Neurology Society of Ghana
- Vice-President: Ghana Neuroscience Society
- 2nd Vice-President: Ghana Epilepsy Society, ILAE country Chapter
- Member – International League Against Epilepsy - Africa Commission
- Member - AAN Bruce S. Schoenberg Award Workgroup
- Member: World Federation of Neurology (WFN) membership committee;
- Member: WFN Tropical and geographical neurology special interest group; WFN neurology in Migrants; WFN Neuroepidemiology working group; WFN Rare diseases special interest group
- Member: European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Africa task Force
Employment: 37 Military Hospital, Accra
Society Leadership/Board position: President-African Academy of Neurology; Vice President-Ghana Neuroscience Society; Vice-President-Neurology Association of Ghana; Board member-ILAE-Africa
Society membership: World Federation of Neurology; American Academy of Neurology; World Stroke Organisation
Lecture/presentation Honoraria: Bayer, Roche, Novartis, Sanofi, Janssen