Grants, awards and training programmes

IHS offers various grants and awards annually. We are proud our grants have assisted many young researchers in building an academic and clinical career in the field of headache, throughout the years. Read the results of our questionnaire of previous grant recipients here.

IHS Headache Science Awards

Two Headache Science Awards are offered, one for early-career scientists, and one for mid-career scientists.

The Awards are offered on an annual basis to recognise promising early- and mid-career basic, clinical or translational scientists who are members of IHS and whose research has contributed to the headache field.

Application for the 2024 IHS Headache Science Awards is now open

Click below for more information and an application form.

Application deadline: 31 July 2024

IHS Clinical and Basic Science Headache Research Fellowship Award

IHS Fellowship – 1-year fellowship award aims to support innovative and impactful research from young investigators, promote the career of young investigators in the field of headache, and increase the knowledge base of headache disorders. Applications for basic or clinical science headache research, or a combination of basic and clinical research, are considered.

IHS has decided not to offer a Fellowship in 2024.

Details of past IHS Fellowship recipients can be found on the Science and Research Committee page.

IHC Travel grants

Travel grants are offered to young researchers and physicians to attend the bi-ennial International Headache Congress (IHC).

Application for the travel grants is closed for 2023. The next available grants will be for IHC 2025.

IHS Virtual Mentoring Programme

The IHS Juniors Group runs a virtual mentoring programme to promote global mentorship, collaborations, and support within our society.

Mentors and mentees are paired based on either clinical, research, advocacy interests or career paths; the Juniors Group will do its best to match mentors and mentees applications together with a general consensus.

For more information visit the Juniors Group page.

Grants for young physicians and researchers living in countries included in the World Bank listing as Lower-, Lower-middle and Upper-middle income

These programmes aim to encourage physicians to visit a specialised headache institution abroad and actively increase their knowledge on headache disorders and specialised headache management. It is intended the scholar will spread this knowledge to their home countries and help increase expertise to build a national headache medicine infrastructure.

IHS Trainee Programme

Clinical training period of up to 12 weeks at an international headache centre.

IHS Short-stay Scholarship

Clinical training period of up to 6 weeks at an international headache centre. In IHC years this will usually be in the region where the IHC is held and scholars will attend the IHC. In non-IHC years the scholar will attend a major headache congress and headache centre in the same region.

Application for the 2024 Trainee Programme and Short-stay Scholarships is now open.

Click below for more information and an application form.

Awards currently open for application