IHC travel grants

IHS is offering travel grants to juniors to attend the 21st International Headache Congress to be held in Seoul, Korea, in September 2023.

A. Currently an under- or post-graduate student (including but not limited to medical students and PhD students) or a medical doctor training to become a specialist. For medical doctors alternatively within 3 years of obtaining medical doctorate or academic post graduate degree or specialist certification, whichever was obtained latest, up to 15 years following MD qualification. For other academic groups alternatively within 6 years of obtaining latest academic degree
B. You have submitted at least one abstract to the congress OR if you have not submitted an abstract and you are a resident of a World Bank country listed as Low-, Lower-Middle- or Upper-Middle-income (see list here).

Click below for more information and an application form.

Application deadline: 8 May 2023