IHC Junior Travel Grants

IHS is offering travel grants to juniors to attend the 22nd International Headache Congress to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in September 2025.

A. Currently an under- or post-graduate student (including but not limited to medical students and PhD students) or a medical doctor training to become a specialist. For medical doctors alternatively within 3 years of obtaining medical doctorate or academic post graduate degree or specialist certification, whichever was obtained latest, up to 15 years following MD qualification. For other academic groups alternatively within 6 years of obtaining latest academic degree
B. You have submitted at least one abstract to the congress OR if you have not submitted an abstract and you are a resident of a World Bank country listed as Low-, Lower-Middle- or Upper-Middle-income (see list here).

Click here for more information and eligibility criteria.

Click here to access to online application form.

Application deadline: 18 April 2025