Tension-Type Headache Awareness Campaign
Help us to make society aware of this debilitating condition by uploading our banners to your social media pages.
The links can be found at the bottom of this page.
There are downloads for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
What is tension-type headache?
Tension-type headache is the most prevalent neurological disorder worldwide with over 2 billion suffering from this headache. Tension-type headache is ranked as the second most common cause of chronic disease and injury globally. Chronic tension-type headache, a subtype of tension-type headache, alone has a global prevalence of 2 to 3%. Tension-type headache is more common in women than men, but with a sex prevalence ratio of 1.2:1, so far lower than the 3:1 ratio that is characteristic for migraine.
Tension-Type Headache Awareness Campaign
Tension-type headache is a primary headache disorder, and the diagnosis of tension-type headache is made based on criteria from the International Headache Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). The diagnosis of tension-type headache is reached by detailed history of patient symptoms and a normal neurological examination, excluding secondary headaches. Worldwide, physicians receive only minimum education on headache disorders during their medical training.
The IHS Education and Electronic Media Committees are proud to present this Tension-Type Headache Awareness Campaign.
The IHS Tension-Type Headache Awareness Campaign focuses on educating Healthcare Professionals, offering the essential information to assist them in managing patients with tension-type headache.
In this campaign IHS members present short videos in their own languages on ‘What is tension-type headache’, ‘How to diagnose tension-type headache’ and ‘How to treat tension-type headache’. The content behind these videos was developed to raise awareness and promote education amongst clinicians and healthcare professionals worldwide on tension-type headache and its treatment.
The core message was developed in collaboration with Dr Francesca Puledda, Dr Jessica Aliani and Dr Sait Ashina, and with the IHS Education Committee. We greatly appreciate all IHS members who have been involved, and who have worked so hard to make this project possible.
Help us spread the word
Healthcare Professionals play a vital role in tension-type headache advocacy and awareness efforts. By raising awareness within the medical community and increasing educational opportunities across the world, IHS aims to have a real impact on the lives of people with tension-type headache.
IHS has developed posters to use to publicise the Tension-Type Headache Awareness Campaign for different social media channels. They are available for immediate download below. Please use #TTH2025 in all your posts.
Please use our social medial content during your email communications and social media feeds for the next month.
Share amongst your colleagues and in your social media channels the educational videos we prepared in different languages, available on the IHS YouTube channel. Follow us in social media and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more updates on tension-type headache and other educational activities.
2025 social media content

Download below.
Tension-Type Headache Awareness Campaign videos
Videos in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Urdu, Farsi and Arabic can be viewed on the IHS YouTube channel.
Prevalence of TTH
Diagnosis of TTH-Chronic
Diagnosis of TTH-Episodic
Differential – migraine vs TTH
Treatment of TTH
TTH Awareness Email banner
TTH Awareness banner – Twitter
TTH Awareness banner – Facebook
TTH Awareness banner – Instagram
TTH Awareness banner – LinkedIn