

The aims of the Classification Standing Committee are to:

  • curate and revise, when appropriate, the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD), setting out explicit diagnostic criteria that, where possible, are evidence-based, and promote nosological research in headache
  • grant permissions for, and promote the publication of, translations of the Classification  
  • liaise with the World Health Organization and other organisations to whom the classification of headache is important.



Peter J Goadsby


Read Profile

Secretary: Stefan Evers


  • Amy Gelfand (USA)
  • Richard Lipton (USA)
  • Arne May (Germany)
  • Patricia Pozo-Rosich (Spain)
  • Jean Schoenen (Belgium)
  • Todd Schwedt (USA)
  • Cristina Tassorelli (Italy)
  • Gisela Terwindt (Netherlands)
  • Shuu-Jiun Wang (Taiwan)

Following publication of ICHD-3, Jes Olesen stepped down as Chair and Peter J Goadsby was appointed Chair by the IHS Board of Trustees. The committee is currently being reformed (see article in Cephalalgia 2020;40:in press;).


The Classification Standing Committee published the Classification and Diagnostic Criteria for Headache Disorders, Cranial Neuralgias and Facial Pain (now referred to as The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 1st edition) in 1988 (Cephalalgia 1988;8(suppl 7):1-96). 

Work began on the revision of this document in 2000. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition, was first distributed at the XI International Headache Congress in Rome in September 2003, and formally published in Cephalalgia 2004;24 (suppl 1):1-160.

After the publication of the International Classification of Headache Disorders, second edition (ICHD-II) a number of revisions of individual chapters were prompted by new published data. 

In 2013 the ICHD-3-beta was published. This was followed in 2018 by publication of the final version of ICHD-3 which was published in Cephalalgia (2018;38:1-211).

Translation of the ICHD-3-is welcomed by IHS Affiliate Member Societies. Please contact IHS for permission before work commences.

To view the ICHD publications and translations please visit the Guidelines page.

A visual ICHD-3 can be found on the ICHD-3 website.

Published ICHD Committee members

First International Headache Classification Committee: Chairman: Jes Olesen. Secretary: Peer Tfelt-Hansen. Members: André Bes, Robert Kunkel, James W Lance, Giuseppe Nappi, Volker Pfaffenath, Frank Clifford Rose, Bruce S Schoenberg, Dieter Soyka, K Michael Welch, Marcia Wilkinson

Second Headache Classification Committee:  Chairman, Jes Olesen. Secretary, Timothy J Steiner. Members: Marie-Germaine Bousser, Hans-Christoph Diener, David Dodick, Michael First, Peter J Goadsby, Hartmut Göbel, Miguel JA Lainez, James W Lance, Richard B Lipton, Giuseppe Nappi, Fumihiko Sakai, Jean Schoenen, Stephen D Silberstein 

Third Headache Classification Committee: Chairman, Jes Olesen. Secretary, Timothy J Steiner. Members: Lars Bendtsen, David Dodick, Anne Ducros, Stefan Evers, Michael First, Peter J Goadsby, Andrew Hershey, Zaza Katsarava, Morris Levin, Julio Pascual, Michael B Russell, Todd B Schwedt,  Cristina Tassorelli, Gisela Terwindt, Maurice Vincent, Shuu-Jiun Wang

Annual reports