The aims of the Education Standing Committee are to:
- promote knowledge and understanding of headache, its characteristics, types, causes, mechanisms, pathophysiology and management, throughout the world, especially where these are deficient and at all levels from layperson to specialist
- utilise information-technology opportunities as they develop, in particular the society’s website, to create a Learning Centre for all who seek such knowledge and understanding
- foster, by offering a variety of scholarships and fellowships, the education of young members of the society who later in their careers will work towards the achievement of the society’s mission.

- Sait Ashina (USA)
- Heba BaniHani (USA)
- Olivia Begasse De Dhaem (USA)
- Hayrunnisa Bolay (Turkey)
- Augustina Charway-Felli (Ghana)
- Debashish Chowdhury (India)
- Min Kyung Chu (South Korea)
- Amr Hassan (Egypt)
- Michael Huth (S Africa)
- Bronwyn Jenkins (Australia)
- Susie Lagrata (UK)
- Mi Ji Lee (South Korea)
- Marco Lisicki (Argentina)
- Roberta Messina (Italy)
- Francesca Puledda (UK)
- Vladimir Romanenko (Ukraine)
- Claire Sandoe (Canada)
- Kirill Skorobogatykh (Russia)
- Tsubasa Takizawa (Japan)
- Michele Viana (UK)
- Yonggang Wang (China)
- Nooshin Yamani (Iran)
Activities and news
Over the last months the Education Committee has evaluated headache trainee programmes and visiting professor programmes. Especially for the headache trainee programme there were a lot of outstanding applications.
The committee has revised the Core Curriculum from 2010, which has been evaluated by the IHS board and national headache societies. The Curriculum has been translated into Chinese and Spanish.
The Committee has, together with headache experts around the world, produced several educational videos and podcasts, as well as a webinar on cluster headache, which will launch together with the new IHS website.
There is more content in the pipeline and the committee is looking forward in collaborating with IHS members in producing additional online content.
Members are very welcome to contact the Education Committee for input into new content and initiatives.