Child and Adolescent


The aims of the Child and Adolescent Standing Committee are to:

  • increase awareness of childhood headache disorders
  • encourage research that is specifically orientated to the needs of children affected by headache
  • highlight the differences that exist in the clinical manifestations of childhood and adult headache
  • encourage neurologists, psychologists and paediatricians working with children to meet and exchange ideas on these common afflictions of childhood.



Andrew Hershey

Andrew Hershey


Read Profile


  • Ishaq Abu-Arafeh (UK)
  • Marco Antônio Arruda (Brazil)
  • Karen M Barlow (Canada)
  • Jacques Bruijn (Sweden)
  • Friedrich Ebinger (Germany)
  • Tal Eidlitz-Markus (Israel)
  • Stefan Evers (Germany)
  • Amy Gelfand (USA)
  • Licia Grazzi (Italy)
  • Vincenzo Guidetti (Italy)
  • Toshiyuki Hikita (Japan)
  • Tobias Iff (Switzerland)
  • Kenneth Mack (USA)
  • Mona Nada (Egypt)
  • Serena Orr (Canada)
  • Aynur Ozge (Turkey)
  • Raymund Pothmann (Germany)
  • Prab Prabhakar (UK)
  • Fumihiko Sakai (Japan)
  • Pinar Topaloğlu (Turkey)
  • Derya Uluduz (Turkey)
  • Massimiliano Valeriani (Italy)
  • Thais Villa (Brazil)
  • Shuu-Jiun Wang (Taiwan)
  • William Whitehouse (UK)
  • Paul Winner (USA)
  • Shengyuan Yu (China)
  • John-Anker Zwart (Norway)

Activities and news

IHS Research into Headache in Child and Adolescents Seed Funding Grant

The IHS Research into Headache in Children and Adolescents Seed Funding Grant is intended to initiate new projects for research into headache in children and adolescents that will result in extramural funding.

Awardees are invited to present their work at bi-ennial International Headache Congress. Applications are considered for basic or clinical headache research, or a combination of both and reviewed and scored by the Juniors Group and the IHS Board.


2023 grants awarded

Massimiliano Valeriani, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy: Early alterations of cortical thickness and gyrification and cortical connectivity in migraine without aura: a prospective MRI study in pediatric patients

Klaus Werner, Duke University Medical Center, Chapel Hill, NC, USA: New daily persistent headache: Biomarker Study in Children and Adolescents

2022 grants awarded

Amy Gelfand, UCSF Headache Center, San Franciso, CA, and Christina Szperka, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA: Informing treatment trial outcome measure selection for adolescents with NDPH

Hadas Nahman-Averbuch, Washington University in St. Louis, St Louis, MO, USA: Hormonal effects of puberty-related alterations in pain in adolescents with migraine

Annual reports